The tides have changed. I've turned a corner. Somehow I feel like I flipped a switch. Crazy.
I started this blog when I had my hysterectomy because I wanted to document my experience, my research (as it were), and have a place to put my feelings down on the proverbial paper. But as I was living through menopause I realized that it just wasn't going to work. Frankly I think I was just too close to the subject to be any good at sharing in a productive manner. Some times were fun, some I would rather have done without. But what a huge experience to live through.
I often wonder why we don't discuss menopause, or many things in life for that matter. The women who came before me never told me what to expect. And that's probably okay, but sometimes it's just nice to know that what you are experiencing is normal. That your partner may think your crazy, but this too shall pass.
This Christmas it's just nice to be enjoying the holidays, no stress, no worries. Well, other than the "normal" ones! It's a good way to end the year. Merry Christmas!